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SDB Formation

As a truly international and multicultural community, I recommend London-Battersea as a centre of study and of Salesian formation. The new state-of-the-art community house is designed for the formation of SDB confrères; its mission is to ‘build bridges’ irrespective of nationality or ethnicity. As a centre forming Salesians to meet the challenges of what is an increasingly multicultural and plural mission, London boasts educational centres of the highest quality in every field of study. In the areas of philosophy, theology, religious studies, youth ministry and pedagogy, it offers some of the best institutions available anywhere in the world, with each of these areas having a distinctively Catholic offer. From September 2019 a pontifical programme will enable Salesian students attending universities in London to receive both a secular and pontifical degree. We welcome students applying from Europe, Africa, Asia, the Americas and the wider Salesian world. We are happy to assist with visa applications and aspects of funding to facilitate study for those who are applying from areas of significant need. This prospectus sets out in greater detail what is available in London from language study to bachelor, masters and research degrees, all of which are currently being pursued by Salesian students from a variety of provinces.

The Salesian mission in London is truly international, as is the community which animates it. The local educational and pastoral community is made up of three schools and two parishes. I commend the formation community to you as a place where prayer, fellowship and learning can all be found together in a centre equipped for the challenge of forming 21st century Salesians.
Fr Gerry Briody SDB, GBR Provincial